Yesterday a friend posted
an amazing article that hit close to home for me and sparked today's post. If
you have not read it take the time to do so, she does a great job shutting down
the ridiculous saying that you should not be committed in a relationship in
your 20's. Click here to
Tyrell & CeeCee |
If you are roughly
between the ages of 21 through 28 and in a happily committed relationship I am
sure you have either seen or heard about the many reasons why being in a
relationship in your 20's makes no sense at all. It seems that almost every
other day someone is posting an article listing the many reasons why you should
just stay single until I guess you're thirty plus?
Now before everyone begins
jumping down my throat I am no idiot, I can understand some of the more adult
like reasons, especially from those of experience. Some people feel like they
could have had more fun in college had they not been tied down. Okay, but there
are plenty of people who found the love of their life in college and are still
happily married. Or the “You do not even know who you are at that young of an
age". Okay, fine, maybe I can see this one but this is not true for
everyone. Maybe I know exactly who I am at 25 and exactly what I want out of
life, why wait until I am 30 to find the guy who already knows also?
It is the ridiculous reasons
like “Girls can be too dramatic and will just waste more of your energy that I do
not agree with. " Uh...correct me if I am wrong but a dramatic girl is a
dramatic girl whether you hook up with her at age 23 or age 33. Is it that the
man will have more energy in his thirties to deal with her or that by the time
he reaches his thirties he will have had time to waste energy on more important
things like playing the video game for hours on end? I am just a tad confused
on what the hell that has to do with the age you are when you are committed.
Another one I always hear is "You're young, go out and experience the
world." So what you are saying is that being in a committed relationship
hinders me from experiencing the world? No, what you mean is being in a
committed relationship keeps you monogamous and to hell with that in our
twenties right? Wrong! Experiencing life does not have to come from multiple
sex partners or one night stands after last call for drinks, experiencing life
is what you make of it! Having a fruitful and rewarding time in life, even in
your twenties, can come from all sorts of things’ I agree that in this young
age with nothing tying you down, you should travel, see the world, but why do you have to be
single to do that ?
Again, being in a committed relationship in your 20's and being married at 21 is not the same thing. No one is saying that every committed person in their 20's should go off and get hitched but I am saying to stop bombarding them with your constant negativity. Yes, albeit it is words of advice and sometimes it is needed to hear, most times it is just that, negative. When you see a happy couple today in their 20's, you hear mostly the same reactions. “You are too young to be tied down." “You have your whole life ahead of you, go live it." Has it ever occurred to people that maybe life can still be lived even in a serious relationship? I have been with my boyfriend for over three years, and yes he makes me want to strangle him at times (as I know It is the same for him) but being with him has not slowed me down any. If nothing else being with him has helped me blossom, helped me me grow. Do I need him to define me? No. Will breaking up with him and being single for the next four years make me happy? Hell no! Why is it socially unacceptable to be happily committed in your twenties now; yet our grandparents and their parents did it with ease? Not only that, they made it work. The divorce rate today is around 50% versus the 10-20% back in the 40's and 50's.Yes, I know times are different but does that make it okay? Who’s to say they were not on to something? I can say without a doubt that I am 25 years old and happily committed to this man who pushes me constantly, encourages me deeply and loves me fiercely. I think I will stick to experiencing life with this man of mine my way and let the rest of the 20 something’s stumbled through the next 7-8 years of their lives making memories they wish they never had.
Till next time
Xoxxo CeeCee