Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Happy Wednesday !

Yay! Wednesday is here and that means the week is almost over!! 
Today's post is all about rest and relaxation, i have had all six of the younger siblings for the last week and a half (minus the two day break my brother gave me) and taking them places day after day and keeping them entertained has been fun but extremely exhausting. So i have made this Wednesday DEAR day. Drop everything and read, besides sitting in a nice hot bubble bath with a glass of wine, reading is the most relaxing and rewarding of my hobbies (yes i consider wine drinking and bubble taking a serious hobby ;)) . After the initial groans and eye rolls we compromised on me making nachos for lunch and them getting to pick out whatever snacks they wanted to compensate for the "boredom" of reading i am putting them through. haha 

What better craft for a reading day than making bookmarks? I am awful about dog earring my pages so i bought myself numerous bookmarks time and time again that all end up lost or in the trash somehow. I think its because they end up in the black hole that is my purse and are never seen again, so naturally i wanted the girls to make their own because its fun and free! 

We took simple foam squares and cut them into rectangles, i then cut a hole at the top and slipped some ribbon through and let the girls decorate away :) They turned out pretty cute, i am sure they will eventually end up in someones trash but at least  this way i did not buy them and the craft got them away from the latest teenage trash they are watching on TV. 

They say "Life is an open book" and "Reading is magical"

After finishing our bookmarks the girls made pallets on the floor and got out the books, they whined initially but besides the loud crunching of nachos and the turning of pages, it is dead silent in this house :)!!
DEAR day is not complete without snacks!! 

Now i should go because i just got the "why the hell do we have to read and you get to type on the computer?" look. lol So i am closing technology for the next couple of hours and opening the book i have been dying to read all day! 

Happy Wednesday everybody and remember to take some time for YOU today! 

xoxxo CeeCee 

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